Navy Seals and the Ohio Buckeyes Float…do you?

Ohio State Buckeyes and Navy Seals Love Flotation Therapy
Ohio State Buckeyes and Navy Seals Love Flotation Therapy

Ohio Buckeyes Float on ESPNĀ  In an interview with Ohio Buckeyes strength guru Micky MarottiĀ on Nov 19, 2015, ESPN INSIDE THE PROGRAM: Ohio State reported that the Navy Seals turned Marotti onto floating. The SEALSĀ have been using it in their training for their recovery, and now so are the Buckeyes!

All due respect to Marotti, he is mistaken on a couple of points. 1. It’s 900 pounds of salt not 90, and 2. His players may sleep, but more likely they relax and allow the epsom salt rich environment to heal their battered bodies, while the dark and quiet gives their minds a rest from the outside pressures of the world.

SOMEBODY QUICK! Tell the Wildcats they too can float!

Go CATS!!!

You don’t have to be a Navy Seal or Football player to experience floating, and now it’s available in Tucson at Cloud Nine Flotation. Book your session today at, Book Now!


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