FloatingĀ is a revolutionary new form of Mental, Physical and Spiritual Therapy, a place where you disconnect with the chaotic external world and reconnect with your innermost consciousness.Ā Float tanks (sensory deprivation tanks) are a simple and powerful tool that can enhance your lifestyle, and allow you to unplug from the stresses of daily life. The practice is used by doctors, athletes and anyone who is seeking a solution to their individual needs including personal development, physical recovery, and psychological and physiological issues.
When someone begins floating, the room is devoid of all light and earplugs are used to ensure removal of all external sound. The tank itself is filled with 10ā of water of which is mixed with over 800 pounds of Epsom salt. All of these conditions together free a person from the sense of touch, pressure, friction, sound and light, resulting in an environment of complete peace and quiet.
The history of flotation therapy and float tanks lies with a physician and neuroscientist named John C. Lilly. He needed to create an environment in which all incoming sensory information was eliminated for a series of experiments. Throughout the process, he discovered that restricted environment stimulation therapy (R.E.S.T) had many other benefits. By the 1970s, a commercial design was released which shares many common features with the technology we use today. Major research is being conducted throughout North America and Europe to solidify many of the benefits of floating, with the aim of having it recognized by government and insurance agencies.