Welcome to Day 3 of our Blog on Personal Training, is it for you? Have you ever thought about hiring a Personal Trainer, but just didn’t know if it was worth the money? Personal Trainers come in all sizes and expertise. If you are going to hire one, make sure they are certified, and have your best interests at heart. I hired personal trainers at a local gym (actually a national franchise) and it was both the best and worst of experience. One was fabulous, had my back, got me to push beyond my mind limits and I achieved a tremendous amount including losing over 200 pounds! Another, made me feel like an inconvenience to his personal time. Always checking his phone, flirting with people as they walked up. Wouldn’t even help me count my reps. It’s SO VITALLY important that you find the right personal trainer. Mike LaCoss, one of the Cloud Nine Flotation members owns GTX Crossfit Personal Fitness on Tanque Verde. He hires only the best, and I’ve been in that gym. Everyone is dedicated. You couldn’t go wrong. But you need to resonate with where you choose to work out. You can find Mike on Facebook at Great Times Crossfit. Check it out and see if it’s right for you. Ask questions. Interview the trainers. And now back to Day 3 of Personal Training, Is it For You by Shelley Frost.
“Personal trainers create a specific workout plan just for you based on what you want to achieve. The personalized plan typically gives you better results than a general workout plan. Because he knows your physical condition and medical background, he is able to make accommodations to the program to fit your needs.”
Check out Mike’s Testimonial for his First Float at Cloud Nine Flotation. When you get to the site, just scroll down any page to Member Spotlight to see his review. See ya tomorrow.