Mindful Moment-Ten Minute Guided Visualization for Stress and Anxiety Management


Mindful Moment-Ten Minute Guided Visualization for Stress and Anxiety Management


The Mindful Moment #1 is a 10 minute guided visualization. It is designed to help relieve stress, pain and anxiety. The beautiful and calm inducing original music by Lex Elias is a perfect complement for the spoken word written and performed by Kalyn Wolf, owner of Cloud Nine Flotation. If you’d like to see the video version of this piece you can see it on the Cloud Nine Flotation YouTube channel at: www.YouTube.com/c/CloudNineFlotation

Embedded in the Mindful Moment are 4 “word anchors” that have been made into digital posters you can download. Paired with Mindful Moment #1, these digital posters help you to feel calm and peaceful when you look at them. Print out the poster 5×7 and place them where they will be most beneficial for your peace of mind. You can download 1 or all 4. You’ll find them on this page in the shopping cart.

Peace be with you.


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Mindful Moment #1 Products

Mindful Moment Audio, Poster 1, Poster 2, Poster 3, Poster 4

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