Mindfulness and Floating

  Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different. Enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will). Being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t). -James Baraz When was the last time you felt your body […]

Personal Training, Is It For You? Day 8 Efficiency

Our last day on the subject of Personal Training. Was this a helpful series for you to read? Did you make any decisions about hiring a Personal Trainer? This last day is about Efficiency. That’s what it’s all about isn’t it? How to save time, and make the time you are spending worthwhile. When I […]

Personal Training, Is It For You Day 7, Variety

So, you join a gym, commit to an exercise program, decide to walk 10,000 steps a day. You are on your way to a healthier you. Then you get bored. BORED, like Oh My GOSH!! I really need to add something, subtract something, mix something up or I’m going to go NUTS!!!! But what to […]

Personal Training, Is It For You? Day 6 Accountability

You know those days when you wake up feeling “Meh”, or after a long, hard day at work, you really feel like hitting happy hour rather than they gym? Those are the days a Personal Trainer really comes in handy. A good Personal Trainer will keep you honest, and true to your goals by keeping […]

Personal Training, Is It For You? Day 5 Motivation

How often have you wanted to have a cheerleader of your very own? I know I have. It’s incredibly satisfying to have someone in your corner, who notices all gains you make in your physical fitness regime. It’s one of the perks of having a Personal Trainer. Hiring a professional trainer to help you in […]

Personal Training, Is it For You? Day 4 Instruction

Ever walk into a gym, and even though a sales person walked you through the machines, you look at them, scratch your head and think in your best Tim Taylor impression, “huhhh?” I know I have. Working out and taking good care of your body is a marathon, not a sprint, and no one would […]

Personal Training, Is it For You? Day 3 Personalized Workout

Welcome to Day 3 of our Blog on Personal Training, is it for you? Have you ever thought about hiring a Personal Trainer, but just didn’t know if it was worth the money? Personal Trainers come in all sizes and expertise. If you are going to hire one, make sure they are certified, and have […]

Personal Training, Is it for You? Day 2 GOAL ACHIEVEMENT!

Welcome to Day Two of Personal Training, Is it for You? Goal ACHIEVEMENT! “A personal trainer helps you define your fitness goals. She takes into account your current fitness level and discusses what you want to achieve through your workouts. While you may have some idea of the goals you want to set, a professional […]

Cloud Nine Member Spotlight! Personal Training, Is it for you?

Welcome to the Cloud Nine Flotation Blog! Periodically we are going to feature a different Cloud Nine member, and share what is important to them, and to you too. Our first member spotlight is Mike LaCoss, one of the owners of GTX Personal Training on Tanque Verde near Sabino Cyn. For the next 8 days, we’re […]

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